Change Readiness


Training today’s workforce demands the skills of resilience. Equip your leaders with the tools to build resilient and agile teams through dedicated team courses, challenges, and resources.

Change Readiness


Training today’s workforce demands the skills of resilience. Equip your leaders with the tools to build resilient and agile teams through dedicated team courses, challenges, and resources.

In times of economic uncertainty, it’s more important than ever to build a productive and agile workforce. HR leaders are feeling the pressure.


of organizations rate maximizing workforce agility and resilience to address future disruptions as highly important
Source: Aon


of HR leaders surveyed said that change management will be a priority in the coming year
Source: Gartner


of organizations don’t have a process for analyzing workforce readiness
Source: i4cp

A resilient workforce has the power to rise above the challenge of change, thrive, and even accelerate.

According to Gallup, 70% of a team’s engagement is influenced by managers. meQ gives managers the tools to build agile, engaged teams, and lead with empathy.

Build High-Performing Teams

Develop resilient leaders, managers, and teams through dedicated courses and resources designed to foster more effective team collaboration. Empower managers to lead more effectively with data-driven, actionable dashboards that show their teams risks in real-time and how to take action.

Identify, Action, Measure

To prevent the productivity and turnover issues caused by burnout, managers and individuals need a resilient mindset. Help a workforce who is lacking in empathy by giving them the tools they need to learn and practice it or assist a regional office that is at risk for burnout with the skills to finish each day strong.

When your workforce is resilient and agile, people are...


better at interpersonal adaptability


better at responding quickly to unforeseen challenges


stronger in demonstrating creative thinking


Learn how Paychex leverages data insights to define their journey and weave well-being into their culture.

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Drive Meaningful Results

meQ delivers tangible results, for your employees and your bottom line.

What Our Customers Experience

“We find that employees come to this site and ‘grab and go’ whatever they might be looking for whether it's cognitive nutrition, coping, connection, or substance use support for their family members or themselves. It's been a lovely way to congregate our materials and really allow our employees to access the resources they need.”

Judith Bess - Head of Employee Assistance Program, LCSW JPMorgan Chase

“I love the data piece of meQ. When we show our managers and leaders the data on their teams, it's such a huge aha moment for them. This is an area that a lot of managers and leaders have never had insight into before in their organization to understand the overall resilience profile and personality types of the people that work for them.”

Josh Freund - Senior Benefits Manager, U.S. US Roche Genentech

"We recognize that some of our workforce may have challenges navigating work and personal lives. With most of our workforce working remotely, managers need to be aware of more subtle cues than before. We're hoping to normalize the conversation around mental health and show a comprehensive picture of how the firm supports our people."

Laura Young - Managing Director, Wellness, Human Capital Management Goldman Sachs

“We've been able to incorporate resilience content into our manager and leader training. We built a standalone program on building resilient teams. We focused on global well-being topics through our global campaigns and our storytelling platform for employees to share their stories. We found that within a few months, our meQ enrollment increased by over 10,000. People were clearly getting the message about our well-being resources.”

Christine Fossaceca - Executive Director JPMorgan Chase

“Our leaders and managers have pretty much universally not just accepted the data, but they find it interesting. They want to dig in more to tackle the real questions such as what are we going to do about burnout? We've started to incorporate the well-being program and strategy, and meQ data, and apply it to helping answer that question.”

Josh Freund - Senior Benefits Manager, U.S. US Roche Genentech

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