Featured Report
Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes: Workforce Change Readiness and Psychosocial Risk
A lack of workforce change readiness has emerged as one of the most pressing business performance risks in 2025. meQ’s inaugural State of the Workforce Report reveals the key obstacles to building change readiness and offers actionable steps to overcome them.

2025 Predictions: 4 Trends that Will Define Workforce Success in the Coming Year
No one knows exactly how 2025 will play out for businesses. There are too many unknowns, from the economy to political and social instability to climate events, each increasingly unpredictable. But one thing is certain; successful organizations will be the ones that equip their people to handle the demands of...
Press Releases
Don’t Underestimate the Remarkable Power of Hope in The Workplace, New meQ Survey Says
Hope, Belonging and Resilience Are Remedies for Protecting Workers Against Burnout and Job Stress As a counterpoint to the extremely high numbers of employees experiencing pessimism in its winter 2023 Workforce Well-being Survey, meQuilibrium (meQ) investigated a positive emotion–hope–in its latest research. The new survey of 5,989 adults released today, which examines persistent...
What is LIDBAIHT and why should you care?
LIDBAIHT stands for “low-intensity deviant behavior with ambiguous intent to harm the target.” That’s how wikipedia–rather academically–describes workplace incivility. Many of us have experienced it more viscerally than the definition suggests. For me, it’s how I feel when the jerk over in analytics (or finance, or wherever) talks over me...
Psychological Safety at Work: The Remote Kids are Alright (Maybe Even Better)
The remote/hybrid/onsite discussion is heating up. After the newness of no commute and improved work-life balance has worn off, a set of strong contrarian views seems to be emerging. Malcolm Gladwell is on the record lamenting that people need to come into the office in order to feel like they...
A Sigh of Relief: What Looks Like the Beginning of a Turnaround
Are we turning a corner? Employee well-being and employer support showing signs of improvement. After two years of dismal news about employee well-being, could we be turning a corner? Here at meQuilibrium, we have been tracking changes in well-being on a bi-annual basis since COVID-19 upended our work lives almost...
Pandemic Fatigue: Mitigating Risks with Resilience
2020 reminds me of 9th grade: I survived, but given the choice to relive it: “No, thanks!” If you can imagine a highlights reel for last year, it might feature a global pandemic, widespread social unrest, political uncertainty, and massive economic instability, all of which combined to produce a level...
The Positive Impact of Employer Support during COVID
Our most recent membership research study offers some good news about employee well-being, and in particular positive insights into how you can best support employees at this time. During these trying times, there’s no shortage of advice about the ways that employers can help support employees, from communicating openly and...