Blog 4 Types of Employee Energy: How to Prevent Burnout and Fuel Your Workforce It begins with a kind of mental and physical sluggishness, where even some of the most routine tasks sap your energy and concentrating at work becomes increasingly difficult.
Cup of Calm Overscheduled? Overwhelmed? Try This. It’s no secret that we are busier than ever before, which is why it can be tempting to spend every minute of every day trying to do it all.
Cup of Calm 5 Ways to Get Your Mojo Back Running a marathon, traveling the world, climbing the corporate ladder…no matter what your goal may be, one thing is for certain: You’ll need enough motivation to make it happen.
Cup of Calm Got “Routine Fatigue”? 8 Tricks for Shaking Things Up Human beings, like most animals, are fairly predictable. Which is good, because with less to think (and worry) about, your brain can switch to autopilot and take a much-needed break.
Cup of Calm The #1 Reward of Resilience (and It’s Not Just About Stress) First glance, this cute-dog YouTube video is good for a laugh and an “awwww.” A man gently lifts his bulldog, Mudd, onto a large trampoline.