Cup of Calm Multitasking Is a Myth. Here’s What to Do Instead. In today’s fast-paced world, there’s always something competing for our attention.
Cup of Calm How to Escape a Scarcity Mindset “There aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.” “I just don’t have what it takes to be successful.” “If only I had more time/energy/money, I would finally be happy.
Cup of Calm A Better Way to Think About Feedback When’s the last time someone pointed out what you were doing…right? Easier question: When was the last time someone gave you a suggestion for improvement? Probably five minutes ago.
Cup of Calm The Power of Owning Up to Mistakes We love to get things right. Stick the landing. Nail it. Sometimes we do. Often, we don’t.
Cup of Calm 3 Ways to Digitally Declutter The palm-sized portal to an always-on internet makes life infinitely easier—and also incredibly distracting. Just because we live with our phones doesn’t mean we have to be ruled by them, however.
Cup of Calm 7 Tricks to Master Video Calls When the world shifted from in-person to virtual everything this year, we found ourselves logging a good number of hours on video conference calls.
Cup of Calm 4 Secrets to Better Time Management The pressure of feeling perpetually rushed and short of time as we go about our day is all-too-familiar to most of us.
Cup of Calm The Big Power of Small Rituals Oprah starts her day with a moment of quiet reflection. Filmmaker Brian Koppelman has a ritual of writing and meditation. NFL quarterback Marcus Mariota starts by making his bed.
Cup of Calm How Successful People Get More Done We’ve all got them—the errands or other life to-dos that we put on our list of things to do every Monday, and the Monday after that, and the Monday after that, because we just can’t seem to find…
Cup of Calm The 5 Best Ways to Stay Focused Every three minutes. That’s about how often we are interrupted or prompted to switch tasks at work.
Cup of Calm Build a Better Relationship with Your Boss Chances are, you already know that workplace friendships make us happier, healthier, and more engaged when we’re on the job—which counts for a lot since we spend so many of our waking hours at the…