Blog Organizational Resilience: The Secret to Knowing How to Navigate Change and Disruption We live in a fast-paced culture that can often lead to stress and burnout. We know disruptions are inevitable, but it’s how we respond and work through those challenges that matters.
Cup of Calm How to Stay Resilient 3 Ways to Make Resilience a Practice Resilience is not just the ability to survive challenging times; it’s the ability to thrive in them.
Cup of Calm How to Stop Dreading Exercise and Start Enjoying It Instead You know this, right? I should go for a walk. I should hit the gym after work. I should make my run a little longer. I should finally open that Pilates video. The “shoulds” rarely work.
Cup of Calm Nasty Thought Buzzing Around? Trap It, Map It, and Zap It Now Tie your shoes. Drive a car. File taxes. Cook a chicken. Floss.
Cup of Calm 3 Unexpected Ways to Get More Out of Your Vacation I found out recently that some researchers have nailed down the ideal vacation length: eight days. Apparently, the eighth day is the peak moment of health and wellness, after which the benefits fade.
Cup of Calm 5 Things Resilient People Say to Themselves Highly resilient people don’t look any different than others. You won’t find a big purple “R” on their lapel or special pair of shoes gracing their feet.
Cup of Calm How to Get More out of a 5-Minute Break Whether you work from home, in a cubicle, or at a call center, you likely take a few breaks during the day (rare though they may be).
Cup of Calm 3 Ways to Build on What You’re Doing Right There’s a story we tell ourselves when we try to improve our lives, our resilience, and our stress levels. It goes like this: I want to change. I want to be different. Everything’s got to go.
Cup of Calm Why You Shouldn’t Avoid Sadness: Key Lessons from “Inside Out” When 11-year old Riley, in Pixar’s summer hit “Inside Out,” has to leave her childhood home in Minnesota and move to a cramped house in San Francisco, her whole life gets turned upside-down—in…
Cup of Calm How to Keep Your Cool in the Pressure Cooker It would be nice to up and leave any time something stressful happened, wouldn’t it? To just slap a Post-it on your computer that says, “Gone. Will be back…eventually.